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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Caught In The Act: You Won’t Believe What Vigilantes Did To Two Thieves In Mexico

Two thieves have been dashed a cruel fate after they were caught by vigilantes breaking into peoples homes to steal.
The younger alleged thief, Victor M.P., 28, was attacked by the mob, beaten and had his right hand chopped off.
Two burglars have suffered a horrible fate after they were caught breaking into peoples houses. The vigilantes hacked off one of their hands to teach them a lesson of a lifetime.
According to Dailymail, the thieves were caught in the village of Tephe, in the municipality of Ixmiquilpan, in the central Mexican state of Hidalgo. Residents took the law into their own hands after catching the two thieves trying to steal valuables from their homes.
His alleged accomplice, Jose A.R, 46, was badly beaten around the head and arm
The two men were later taken by paramedics under police escort to a nearby hospital where they are being treated for their injuries.
Police are looking into the incident but have declined to make further comment pending the outcome of their investigations. Tephe village is home to the Tephe Water Park, a popular attraction with tourists visiting the area

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