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Friday, 17 February 2017

Woman hits half court shot to win $500, then gets a surprise marriage proposal from her boyfriend hiding in a Dunkin' Donuts costume

Siena Hoops Engagement

A Siena College hoops fan hit a half court shot to win a $500 Dunkin' Donuts gift card. Then, her husband emerged from a costume and got down on one knee.

What's better: winning a $500 Dunkin' Donuts gift card, or getting engaged?

On Thursday night during a Siena College men's basketball game against Manhattan, Erin Tobin got both.

You see, Tobin appeared on court during halftime and, as part of a Dunkin' Donuts promotion, attempted a half court shot. She heaved the ball one-handed and, wouldn't you know it, banked the ball right in to win the goods.

And then, as if her night couldn't possibly get any better, Tobin turned around and suddenly one of the Dunkin' Donuts mascots — otherwise known as "Cuppy" — was on one knee with a ring.

The costume was promptly removed and her boyfriend, Steve Duckett, was asking to marry her.

She said yes.

"I was jumping up and down after hitting the shot since my brother said he'd give me 50 dollars if I even hit the rim," said Tobin, according to the Albany Times Union. "And then I turn around expecting a gift card from Dunkin’ Donuts and there he was on his knees and I didn't have any words."

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