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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

UNILAG: Flout the dress code, get punished in University of Lagos


A new, moral, "less provocative" dress code has come to town.

The management of the University of Lagos has now issued a notice on improper dress code and is threatening punishment for culprits.

The University of Lagos is going hard on people they believe dress against the "seriousness, dignity and character-moulding nature of the institution".

A circular released by the management warned students to desist from wearing clothes that expose 'sensitive' parts of the body.

The circular read:

It has been observed that some male and female students of the University of Lagos dress indecently on campus, even to lectures. Indecent dresses are either too tight, too short or expose sensitive parts of the body.

“Students should maintain a clean and well-cared for appearance in all settings on campus. Wearing of tight, strapless and revealing clothes whose length are above the knees are inappropriate.”

Many types of clothing will take the hit. Some of them include:

1. Tight-fitted clothing has taken the axe. From jeans, to skirts to blouses.

2. Whether it's transparent clothing, spaghetti tops, tubes and the rest of the park, anything that reveals the body shape, has now taken the axe.

3. Any form of clothing such as knickers and mini-skirts, dresses, which are not at least, knee length.

iv. "Inappropriate clothing" from party-wear to beach wear and bathroom slippers should not be worn to lectures.

v. Outfits such as T-shirts, skirts and jeans, which carry obscene and subliminal messages.

vi. Trousers such as hip-riders and low waist jeans.


Looking at the pop culture trends today, we expect that students will show up to lectures on Monday looking like this,


How will this be enforced?

Lecturers and authorities have been given the power to exclude students from academic activities if they are found wanting. It will be interesting to see how this new regulation is enforced with guys.

The boys at Yaba are going to have a fun weekend. UNILAG students are coming to shop again.

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