Though President Donald Trump has only been in office for three weeks, his administration has gone through a number of controversies already.
Many have voiced that it's a problem of leadership in the White House, so that got "The Daily Show" wondering, who really is the power behind the president?
Host Trevor Noah said it's something the show has been trying to figure out for weeks. On Monday's show he brought out a chart that reveals the standings for "Who is the real president?" as the "Daily Show" sees them. Trump is only at No. 5, and the real president in the show's eyes at the moment is chief strategist Steve Bannon.
"Can I be honest with you?" Noah said. "This tally wasn’t even close because in the past week we have learned so much about the power and influence Bannon has in the White House."
Reports in the past week reveal that Bannon was a key player in the drafting of the "extreme vetting" executive order that temporarily banned immigration and refugees from several countries, and barred Syrian refugees indefinitely.
Bannon also got a seat on the National Security Council, an unprecedented move for someone in Bannon's position. That was made possible by Trump signing an executive order, but reporting suggests Trump didn't know that he was giving Bannon that power in the order he signed.
"This is crazy. Bannon slipped himself onto the National Security Council," Noah said. "He basically did it like a kid sneaks a candy bar into his mom's shopping cart."
Watch the complete "Daily Show" segment below:
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