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Thursday, 16 February 2017

The Big Question: Could this short video finally explain why men cheat?

She was perfect, but he cheated. Why?

A gripping video of girl asking her ex while he cheated, is giving the Internet all the chills and it is a must watch.

"What did you do," she asked.

"I cheated with other girls," was his reply.

These are the words of the 7-minute video called 'Broken' that is giving the Internet all the feels. In just over 24 hours, the video which was made and posted by The Scene, has now been viewed over 11 million times on Twitter alone.

In the video, the couple sit, facing each other, knees almost touching each other, pouring their hearts out.


How did they even meet?

"We met in college," he says, "you didn't really like me."

"A couple of years later, we moved into the same apartment complex, and we met in the same elevator." They are both smiling now, reminiscing.

"It was like a reunion."

"I would say that you were my best friend," he said.

"Yeah, me too."

The signs.

According to the video, she saw all the signs that he was cheating when she went through his phone and saw photos of "other girls".

She talked about the failed promises and him promising, but failing.

"How many times did you cheat on me?" She asked.

"I...I...dunno. It will be hard to say. I wasn't counting."

She stands up to walk away. Then she walked back moments later.

Why did he do it?

"It had more to do with me just not being able to commit, because at the time, I didn't want to."

"There's nothing you could have done differently that could have prevented it...I think that you were a good girlfriend, and I was lucky to have you."

"I forgave you."

"Why," he asked.

"Because you were my best friend." And she began to cry again.


This question is over to you now:


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