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Friday, 10 February 2017

Seth Meyers calls out Trump for his silence on a mosque attack


NBC's "Late Night" host goes after President Donald Trump for remaining silent on an attack in Canada.

"Late Night" host Seth Meyers dedicated his latest "A Closer Look" segment to pointing out ways that he believes President Donald Trump abuses his powers and took issue with Trump's silence on last month's shooting at a mosque in Quebec, Canada.

"This has been an especially revealing week when it comes to how Donald Trump uses presidential power," Meyers said on Thursday's episode. "In just the past few days, he has used his status as president to slam a private company, threaten a local lawmaker, and attack the courts and the free press."

While Trump's uses of his presidential powers have bothered Meyers, it's the president's decision not to use his voice that the host also criticized. Trump has stayed quiet about the attack on the Canadian Mosque that resulted in the deaths of six people. It's especially problematic for Meyers after Trump accused the media of failing to report on several terrorist attacks, a claim many journalists sought to disprove.

"There is really one terrorist incident that really has been ignored," Meyers said, "not by the media, but by Trump himself: a shooting at a mosque in Quebec by a right-wing terrorist. Trump has not issued a single public comment on that incident."

When White House adviser Kellyanne Conway was asked by CNN's Jake Tapper about Trump's silence on the attack, she replied, "He doesn't tweet about everything."

"Oh, he doesn't tweet about everything?" Meyers said. "Because it sure feels like he does."

The host then shared a list of many, many things that Trump has tweeted about, including Meryl Streep, Arnold Schwarzenegger, "Hamilton," people who drink Diet Coke, etc.

"You tweet about everything!" the host yelled. "At this point if I forget to pick up milk, there's a part of me that's afraid I'm going to come home to an angry Trump tweet about that."

Watch the latest "A Closer Look" below:

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