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Monday, 20 February 2017

Relationship Tips: Ways to keep loving your partner after they cheat on you

Loving a partner even after their indiscretions

It's never be easy, but forgiveness is always stronger than hate and other negative emotions.

To leave a partner after they've cheated on you; or to forgive, stick around and try to make things work?

Uwanma Odefa considers this matter in her most recent vlog episode, 'Love, Life, and Everything in Between'.

Prompted by a friend's heartbreak story on Valentine's day, the vlogger explains that whether you are a man or woman, you can decide to take a partner back regardless of their wayward eyes and acts of philandering.

According to Uwanma Odefa, here's how to keep a loving a partner after they have cheated on you:


Let it go

The first step to keeping the relationship alive is to commit to full forgiveness.

You need to forget about it. This is, of course, easier said than done.

If you don’t let it go, though, “it’s going to keep building up, festering and eating away at your soul and you don’t want that,” the vlogger says.

ALSO READ: 5 simple ways to win a woman's heart

Let it out

Letting stuff go does not mean you cannot talk about it. As a matter of fact, letting these things out is a way to actually let it go. Bottling up emotions of hurt and disappointment and anger could eventually lead to a destructive outrage that will affect people around you.

In her words, “don’t bottle things in because when you do, it will eventually blow up and consume everything around you.”


Let loose

Deciding to continue with the relationship is a decision that can be made only by you and when you do, try not to give in to the temptation to close yourself off and become cynical.

“You have to make this conscious effort” Uwanma says.

“Everytime you find yourself resenting him or her for the cheating, make a conscious effort to let it go… to let loose. ”

Forget the other man/woman

 This particular one speaks to women more than men as women are more inclined to seek extra details of the cheating than men.

Uwanma advises against this because seeking these details is like “pouring salt in an open wound.

“it will only feed your imagination and feed you with visuals that you do not need,” she says.

Watch Uwanmma explain these things in totality in the clip below.

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