Martina is stuck on her Professor's junk while Keara is teasing a man at the club, Tatiana is being watched in the bathroom like a prey in the girl's hostel.
Martina was quite taken by her lecturer Dr. George.
Not only did he give her a lot more attention than her boyfriend Matthew and her lover the Dean, but he ensured that she got the best grades in his class. People were starting to murmur and the murmurs got louder every day. She didn’t care, it was a compulsory and bulky course and whatever help was rendered to her was very welcome.
She sat on his table in the dark stuffy office, his head between her legs. He wasn’t the best lover, no far from it in fact he wasn’t great at all, she had to lead and guide him in EVERYTHING.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 2B
She hadn’t allowed him to fuck her yet because she was dreading to teach him even that. The sacred act of fucking as she called it was not going to be ruined by him, but she would make him happy and cry like a banshee if she needed to just so he would continue to help her and make her like easier.
She thought about Matthew then and how he always made her body sing, she told herself that she needed to focus solely on Matthew but she just couldn’t stop fucking especially if the person she fucked had something she needed. She couldn’t think about all that she had to be alert enough to moan and groan at the right time. Her phone beeped and she reached out for it.
‘Shit!’ she screamed out.
‘What happened?’ Dr. George said banging his head hard on the table as he lifted his head up from between Martina’s legs.
‘My dad just had a heart attack’ she replied as she hastily picked up her clothes and put them on, her face was wet with tears as she dressed.
‘Oh my dear, I am sorry about that’ Dr. George said trying to kiss her again but she backed away.
‘No thanks, I will see you later’ she said hurrying out the door, as she left she sent a text to Matthew
‘Baby, my dad is in ICU, can you meet me at the hospital?’ she’s wiping tears from her eyes as she texts her best friends Ebele and Busola and in time Ebele has her car waiting for her at her apartment. They rode in silence to the hospital, Martina calling Matthew every five minutes. By the third day Martina refused to leave her father’s side, despite the cajoling from her mother and friends.
‘Nne you look like hell, please eat something now’ Ebele prodded. Martina’s eyes flutter open
‘I’m not hungry’ she said
‘Bullshit’ Ebele said handing Martina a plate
Martina took a spoonful and shoved it in her mouth, she swallows loudly and puts the food back down.
‘Matthew hasn’t called or come has he?’ Ebele said
‘Do you see him here?’ Martina said irritably
‘Don’t bite me, just asking Tee’ Ebele responded and went about to wake up Martina’s mother to give her some food as well.
Martina hadn’t heard from Matthew in four days. She was both shocked and furious, she had gone to his house when she returned from school but no one had seen him and neither was he picking up his calls or calling back.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 2A
She decided she was done with him, this would not do at all, her front door shut quietly and Matthew sauntered in to the Kitchen where she stood her back to him. Before she could turn he wrapped his strong arms around her waist, he trailed light kisses from her ear down to the nape of her neck. She stiffened but he just held on tighter.
‘I’ve missed you baby, how are you?’ he said. She opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out.
‘I’m so fucking horny, come and suck my dick, I have something for you’ Matthew said in a husky voice. Martina’s body started to tremble with rage.
‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ she screamed turning away from Matthew and pushing him away hard.
‘What?’ Matthew said surprised. Martina’s eyes widened in shock
‘Where have you been? I’ve texted and called you a billion times in the last five days, worried after the first day when you hadn’t responded. Coupled with my dad in ICU I didn’t need to worry about you too.’ Martina bellowed.
‘Bring your voice down lady, I was not aware’ Matthew said coldly
‘You were not aware? Where have you been Matthew?’ Martina asked slowly. Matthew was silent for a moment. ‘I went out of the country last week’ he said.
‘In the middle of an exam?!’ Martina shrieked.
‘It was urgent and since when did you care about my studies or even yours?’ Matthew said
‘That is beside the point’ Martina growled
‘When you came back, did you see my messages, my calls?’
‘Yes and that’s why I am here’ Matthew said coming closer. Martina’s eyes narrowed to slits that made her look like a beautiful but very angry Chinese woman. She remembered that Matthew’s first words were “come suck my dick” and she was incensed.
‘You liar!’ she screamed and she picked up a plate and hurled it at Matthew who dodged it in time.
‘The fuck Tee, what has gotten into you?’ he said edging closer to her
‘Don’t come near me! You saw the message about my dad and all you could think about was your stupid dick!!’ she shouted
‘You are mad sha, did I put your father in the hospital, am I responsible for him? Why did you call me? To pay his bills? Don’t I already do more than enough and take more than enough bullshit from you?’ Matthew shouted.
Martina screamed out loud and this time hurled a pot towards him. Mathew stepped aside just in time. He straightened himself up and looked at her with disgust.
‘Here, that’s your birthday gift, happy birthday in advance you ungrateful bitch’ he said and with that he turned and headed for the front door.
‘Come back here and face me you bastard!’ Martina screams following him, this time throwing anything she could easily lift.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 1B
‘Why so you could scar my beautiful face with plates and knives that you never use by the way, I don’t think so. This is probably the most action they’ve gotten since you bought them’ and he left slamming the door.
Martina continued throwing things around in rage and frustration before falling on the floor in a heap crying amidst broken glass and crockery.
The Dean wasn’t having a good night and he had his wife to thank for it, she had to travel at the last minute saddling him with the responsibility of taking care of their twin babies. He poured himself a tall glass of chardonnay and relaxed in his chair.
He had just wrestled them into their sleep wear and gotten them to sleep, his wife refused a house maid after the last one got pregnant with the said twin babies. He smiled when he remembered the days with the maid, her inexperience endeared her to him and so did her tight as fuck pussy.
He was exhausted and was not expecting the knock that came at his front door moments later. He opened the door to find Martina standing there in next to nothing looking like someone ran over her dog with a trailer. He pulled her in because she would cause a scene in less than a minute if someone turned on their car or something.
He wasn’t expecting the story he heard next, he was angry with and for her, THAT STUPID BOY! He was delighted when she stood in the hallway and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him like it were the antidote to a virus she had.
His dick was hard just looking at her and it was poking her belly as they kissed. She took him then and cupped, before he knew what was happening, they were both rolling and sweating on his wife’s Venetian rug in the living room.
She had him in her pussy and she was twerking on his dick. He was so happy and relieved after the struggles of the night that he didn’t object when she started to scream that she was cumming. He held on to her after and promised to take care of the issue.
He was just about to drift off with her in his arms when he heard a car pull into the driveway.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 1A
Keara was never one to celebrate birthdays, she always had a hot steamy night of sex with either Femi or the driver and one time with the both of them at the same time.
When she was with the driver, the both of them would get drunk and fuck till the early hours of the morning turning the place upside down as they did. This year she would turn 19 but she couldn’t care less, it was like any other day.
Her father would send her the usual birthday gift through one of his bankers and call her like clockwork the midnight of and her mum would come to school and spend the whole day with her leaving her night free to do as she liked.
This time, Femi decided he wanted to go with his wife to see their kids in school in America, Femi could act like a family man at the most inconvenient times. Keara didn’t argue, she just made sure she fucked him long and hard so that she would be all he would think about for 2 weeks.
‘Are you even listening to me?’ Keara looked up from her tall glass of ice cream and started at her best friend Catherine.
‘No I really wasn’t, what have you been saying?’ she said spooning ice cream elegantly into her mouth
‘As I was saying, we have to go out for your birthday this year Kaye, you NEVER do anything at least not with me. There’s this new place in Lekki that I hear is banging, it’s also private like you like things’ Catherine added in an undertone.
Keara peered at her best friend whom she loved dearly but she could get on her last nerve. In addition to being an insufferable chatterbox, she was also irritatingly prude and shied away from the opposite sex like they were a plague. Why was she so keen on going out tomorrow night?
‘Cathy, you know I’d rather be at home sipping champagne with Femi’s head between my legs eating my fucking pussy’ she said. Catherine scrunches up her face like Keara had just said a bad word.
‘C’mon Kaye, you do that every day’ she said they were relaxed in their favorite corner in the Ice cream Factory with tall glasses of ice cream and slices of New York cheesecake between them.
A new school year was beginning and the farthest Keara could be from school at this time the better for her. She hated crowds and she hated ogling which was what people tended to do when they saw her for the first time. She was dreading her decision even before she made it.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Episode 2B
Catherine would not leave her alone till she agreed anyway.
‘Alright fine’ she said quietly. Catherine squealed and leaned forward to plant a huge wet kiss on Keara’s forehead.
The club was a lot more impressive than Keara had imagined, Catherine came from wealth and class like herself but sometimes she was disappointing. There were people dancing and subtly making out around the room. Keara and Catherine passed a couple that looked like they were about to swallow themselves with the way they were kissing.
She looked around and spied comfortable looking chairs nicely arranged around the room and the thought of her sitting back, her legs open and having Femi or the driver’s head between her legs made her nipples hard. Soon enough Keara began to move her body to the music that played not too loudly from the speakers.
Catherine noticed and had a big grin on her face.
‘See, you’re having fun already, with any luck one bobo will come and take you away so you can leave married men alone’ she said the last couple of words bitterly.
Keara ignored her words and continued to move her waist to the slow rhythm. She rebuffed the guy that came up from nowhere to dance with her and dragged Catherine to a more secluded corner.
‘Do you want to die alone Keara ehn?’ Catherine said
‘I doubt I’d find anyone even remotely suitable to call a husband in one of these clubs my dear’ Keara replied coolly.
Just then she sensed him near and she froze. She turned around slowly and just as she thought he was standing across the room staring intently at her. She was wet in instant and silently cursed herself for it.
His eyes followed her everywhere, he ignored his friends and kept focused on her face and body. Keara had never felt so uncomfortable in her entire life.
Who did this guy think he was?!! He’s staring at her so intently that she imagined he has undressed her and fucked her with his mind a dozen ways in one minute.
She walks over to a random John standing by the corner standing with his friends and she grabbed him in a rough and hard kiss, making him breathless. She turned around to see if he was still looking and he still was, but this time the grin had cleared from his face replaced with a giant scowl.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Episode 2A
She smiled the gorgeous smile of hers and pushed the guy down on the chair close by and proceeded to give him a lap dance. Her eyes remained fixed on his as she twerked her round and perfect ass on the guy’s dick. She could feel him hard and throbbing and she smiled some more, rubbing her ass seductively on his crotch.
About 15 minutes later, she had gotten tired of the stare down and she pushed away from the guy whose crotch area was wet with precum and walked purposefully towards him. His friends stopped talking the minute she had approached them a deafening silence following her presence. ‘I want to see you’ she said coldly.
Olise leans back in his chair and looks at her in that way again, that God forsaken smile had returned ‘Now!’ she added and saunters away having the guys stare at her ass as she walks away.
Olise finds her in the ladies bathroom leaning against the sink, her arms folded across her glorious and juicy breasts.
‘Look here, I don’t know who you think you are but I need you to stop following me around like a love sick puppy’ she said before he had shut the door. Olise smiles but doesn’t respond, instead he tugs on her arm and pulls her toward a stall, pushes her in and locks it behind him.
‘Now you listen to me, Keara Adewole, you do NOT tell me what to do’ he said, he pushed her against the wall and used one arm to secure her neck against it, with his other hand he forcefully pulled up her gown (a gown that made him salivate when he saw her in it) pushed her thong aside and dived into her pussy, sighing heavily as he did so.
Keara struggled against him but it was no use, she stared daggers at him instead.
‘I will ruin you for this’ she said trying her best not to enjoy the rapturous feeling she was getting from his fingers.
‘I dare you’ Olise retorted, his fingers moved faster in her pussy and without control her waist begins to with them.
‘I will bring you to your knees Keara’ he said.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One; Episode 1B
‘Mark my words’ and with that he pushed away from her, licked her juices off his fingers and walked out of the stall leaving Keara both dazed and murderous.
The new girl had been fuming ever since visiting day, she was utterly disgusted by what she saw and she vowed she was going to correct it. She had become insanely possessive of Tatiana despite having never spoken to her properly before.
All that was about to change because she had watched her for too long, her loins ached and Tatiana was the only one that could feed the desperate hunger that had overcome her since she resumed at the stupid convent.
She not only watched Tatiana’s every movement but she watched her roommate Denike’s as well. She knew her timetable like she knew her own name and she targeted the night before Tatiana’s birthday to formally introduce herself.
Tatiana had had a long day, she had scrubbed the room from top to bottom, Denike never did anything in the room except lay her bed occasionally. Tatiana didn’t mind much, she would make a mess of things anyway if she tried to help.
She was in the shower scrubbing her skin as if she had just rolled in a pigsty and when she had fully lathered her body she subconsciously began to finger her nipples, she had gone so long without any sexual contact. She had been so busy that she hadn’t spare time to pleasure herself either.
Her nipples were hard and aching to be sucked, as she stood under the shower allowing the water to wash away her sins, she pinched her nipples lightly then her hand found its way to her clit and slowly began to caress it. She shivered, she couldn’t believe she wanted her uncle this bad well she hadn’t had that many lovers so he couldn’t exactly want anybody else.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One; Episode 1A
Her breathing became unsteady as she slowly fingered herself to orgasm. She was alone in the room so her cries were heard by no one. She felt she would sleep well now that she had gotten her tense body relaxed and slightly satisfied. She collapsed into a deep sleep almost immediately still naked and wet.
She felt a soft palm touching her, caressing her skin gently, a wet tongue licking and sucking her nipples and teeth gently pulling and tugging on them. She felt she was dreaming, she relaxed more as the tongue began to lick her skin, every inch of her body was now covered in this person’s saliva. She felt her legs part and felt kisses up and down her thighs, a hot sensation travelled up her spine. Then the same wet tongue plunged into her pussy and she jolted awake.
‘What the fuck?’ she said struggling to get up but the person had her in place, the body moved forward and the new girl emerged with a sly grin on her face.
‘Hi I’m Hannah, I am delighted to make your acquaintance’ she said. Tatiana stared.
‘You see, I have watched and craved you ever since I stepped foot in here and saw you and like every predator I have been biding my time. I want you Tatiana, I want to make your body tingle, I want to make you cum for the rest of your life and I am going to. Do you mind laying back down so I can finish what I started?’ Hannah said her hands holding Tatiana’s legs together tightly.
‘You must be out of your mind’ Tatiana said struggling
‘Yes I agree that I am but you are never going to find a better lover than me’ Hannah said shrugging
‘Get out’ Tatiana said defiantly.
‘Oh I’m afraid I can’t do that, you see, once I want something, crave that thing even I must have it and I want you, even you will not stand in my way’ Hannah said this time she pulled Tatiana down by her ankles and climbed on top of her.
Tatiana struggled under her but soon lost the battle as Hannah was an athlete and freakishly strong. Hannah lowered her head and forced her tongue into Tatiana’s mouth in a deep kiss, at this point Tatiana was already really horny she promised to reprimand herself in the morning but now she wanted to cum again she didn’t care who was an instrument to that so she opened her mouth wider and allowed the kiss to deepen.
She pulled Hannah in and Hannah released a guttural sound at Tatiana’s passion. Hannah broke away and trailed kisses down her body again, licking and biting as she went along. Tatiana’s legs were already open in invitation, Hannah buried her nose in her pussy and Tatiana began to whimper, Hannah stroked Tatiana’s clit with her tongue, flicking occasionally Tatiana’s nipples with her fingers.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Introduction
Tatiana moved her head from side to side as her body was pleasured, Hannah began to suck on the flesh making loud noises as she lapped, she traced her tongue up and down the area continuously making Tatiana writhe and moan then she stuck her long tongue inside the pussy and began an in and out motion that drove Tatiana crazy.
They were in this same position when the door opened and Denike walked in, Tatiana and Hannah froze but without looking in Tatiana’s direction, Denike walked like a zombie towards her bed and collapsed on it, she was snoring within seconds and Tatiana breathed a sigh of relief.
Hannah smiled mischievously then slid up so that her small breasts pressed against Tatiana’s large ones and kissed her again, placing the upper part of her pussy on Tatiana’s and began to move slowly.
‘Move with me baby’ Hannah said against her mouth, shifting so she could lean on her arms and Tatiana did just that, soon after the both of them begin to make low moaning sounds as they’re arriving orgasms at the same time, Tatiana instinctively places one hand in between them and finds Hannah’s wetness and begins to stroke it fast, making Hannah’s moans louder.
Hannah does the same for her and soon they’re both writhing on each other’s sweaty bodies and finger fucking, Hannah grabbing Tatiana’s lips occasionally in a hungry kiss. They both moan as low as they could as they reached a magnificent climax and Hannah collapses on Tatiana, kissing her again immediately.
‘By the way happy birthday’ she says to Tatiana and captures her mouth again.
‘You guys should well done oh’ Denike said from her bed in a muffled voice.
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