This fast and effective home remedy works to instantly brighten up the face and it's purely natural...
Home remedies work wonders on the skin especially when organic foods are used.
As with over the counter, topical creams and other treatments using organic bits/food work well to keep the skin baby soft, smooth, soft and clear in little or no time. Lemons, oranges, cucumber are examples of edible foods that work to keep the skin in top shape.
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Food/things from the pantry for instance baking powder, vinegar, sugar, olive oil to things like ice work to keep the skin rejuvenated amongst other things.
To instantly brighten dull eyes/face and achieve smooth facial skin, ice water and cube works wonders! This tested tip is perfect and works to give very fast results.
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Ice water and cubes work well to instantly give the face a lift and brighten it. Follow the steps on what to do:
1. Cleanse the face, making sure it's devoid of makeup
2. Wash the face with cold water or rub ice cube over the face
3. Whisk egg white in a clean bowl until its frothy, spread the egg white over clean skin and leave todry for a few minutes.
4. Wash the face with cold water and let airdry
5. Apply non-comedogenic moisturizer as per usual.
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