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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The Thread: “President Buhari, remember to #BringBackOurGirls” | Oby Ezekwesili’s emotional #DayOfTheGirl appeal

Today, the world celebrates the girl child.

In a country like Nigeria and a continent like Africa where the girl child is relegated to the kitchen and the other room, where her value and worth is not commensurate to that of a male child, where she can be married off before puberty because her agency is denied her, where her education is only considered after the boys go to school; In a world where even her pay is much lower than her male counterparts for no other reason than that she is female, this celebration of the girl child today is of utmost importance.

Oby Ezekwesili, co-founder of Transparency Intl and BBOGactivist uses the occasion to share her deepest desires for the girl child.

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Read » The Thread: “President Buhari, remember to #BringBackOurGirls” | Oby Ezekwesili’s emotional #DayOfTheGirl appeal on YNaija

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